Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Family's together again.....

Who would've thought I would be blogging for 2 whole years. I am such an on again off again blogger. I want to thank Chrys for helping me with his. Now you may get a blog every now and again because I just don't know what to say most of the time. I am so excited to see all my kids! I think there is going to be one big group hug! I am so grateful to have been a Missionary Mom for the second time. There is nothing like it. It's the hardest most wonderful thing ever! Then to know that Heavenly Father was brought into the lives of other families is the best part! I have time to prepare for James now. I don't think my eyes and heart could take him going right away! So I guess all there is to say is "Welcome Home Elder Robinson!!!"

My family,

Those pictures made me so happy. I love the Wilkinsons. Thanks mom. I'm excited for Brandon! He's going to do so well! I'm glad to hear that dad is enjoying work, 5:30am sounds like a blast! Ha ha.

Well, with all sorts of emotions running through me right now. Let's report the week.

Going on exchanges and biking a few miles, knocking on doors and talking to people, we found TJ! He is sweet. I was with Elder Clay who usually does Spanish work. We were going to contact a member that no one had seen in a while and it turned out that they had moved out and he had moved in the Saturday before with his girlfriend. The missionaries had been teaching his mom a couple months back and so he already knew who we were and let us right in. We will be hopefully teaching his girlfriend soon. They are pretty sweet.

On I think Thursday we got a call from a member living in Idaho who told us about his friend from Ghana that lives in our area that wanted to come to church. So he gave us his number and we called him and talked with him for a bit and gave him the address to the church and the time of our service, and he actually showed up! He is a super awesome guy. He has dreds all the way down past his shoulders and said the first time we met him "I've been to the church a lot in Ghana and was never baptized, but i would like to be." Hooah! We can do that! Ha ha. He even is set on coming to church every week to "worship the Lord" as he said. Missionary work is too cool. I love it.

Elder Bruce D. Porter was way sweet! It was kind of a short meeting, but it was just so good. He gave us SO much doctrine and info to study it was insane. Well at least he did for me. He talked mainly on the Doctrine of Christ and the Atonement and he opened my mind to quite a bit of things. I love it when General Authorities come, they are so fun and i learn so much.

P is getting more solid. She is still so involved in the gospel and is reading a whole bunch. Last night we went on exchanges for the last time and went over to talk to her. She is so great. She will be coming to church this week and will hopefully really progress to her baptism. K is still progressing to his baptism in April. He is so cool! I'm excited for him to get there!

Oh and we found out yesterday that the church does have C records, so we are now reactivating him! Ha ha. He came to church on Sunday and really enjoyed it. The ward really loves him! After church all I've been hearing is how much they love him. I'm grateful we were able to find him. He's such a stud.

I love these people. These past few days have been so hard. I was called up at the last of sacrament to give my testimony and i just got up and blubbered and cried ha ha. It was horrible. And now i have to do that on Thursday too at transfer meeting. I have loved more than anything serving as a missionary. My heart is here with these people. I hate to have to leave, i wish it wouldn't end. But i guess each missionary has his or her time then it's time to move on. I am so grateful for these past 2 years. I can't put into words how much it has meant to me, and i can't imagine what my life would be like if i wouldn't have come here. I have come to know my Savior as my Redeemer and have felt the power of the Atonement in my life. I know with out a doubt that God lives and loves His children. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that we are led by a prophet today. I hope to always be able to be given opportunities to share the gospel, because i love doing it so much. It's been the best 2 years!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Chrys Adam Robinson

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sunshine, lollipops and craziness...

     Yes I love the sunshine! Yes I love lollipops! Yes craziness keeps you on your toes! So I guess all three can't be bad if they are all together. I feel like when I clean one mess another one takes it's place. I guess that's what you get when you live with guys. I also feel like I'm running out of time and I won't be ready for everything that needs to happen. But it will happen so I guess I better be ready. March is a crazy month. It feels like it is always the busiest. But today is a beautiful day full of sunshine. I went outside my comfort zone this week and went to BYU alone. Yes I felt old standing in the bookstore waiting for the Wilkinson's from Ohio. But it was all good! When I got home I felt like I had accomplished something. I know that sounds funny. But have you been to BYU at lunch time?? There are a lot of young people there!!!! Then I got the disco ball for the Grandkids and the Elder. I just need to find all the bullets to the nerf guns. Sometimes you just have to have a war with Chet and James. I was thinking about having one with the disco ball. That could be cool! Well I must stop rambling and get on with my craziness!! By the way Chet is only 52, I love the Elder's humor!

Dear family,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIV!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great day!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!! 60 right? ;) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's exciting about missionary month. I remember being so nervous when that month came around ha ha but now i can see how valuable it is. I'm excited to be there to help with the dinner!

So this past week was pretty good. The weather has been crazy! Cold then warm then cold then SUPER warm and amazing then rainy then cold and rainy. Ohio's weather is as Elder Watkins calls it "Bi-Polar." I love it here though. The week was filled with crazy lessons and people that just wanted to bible bash for some reason. It was weird. But it was still a good week.

We put K on date for baptism! He is such a cool kid. I don't know if i told you about him or not but he is 17 and is a cancer survivor. We've been teaching him for a little while now and were taking it a little slow with him and then we started focusing everything on baptism. Things sped up as soon as we put that as our focus for him. When we put him on date his main concerns were his friends and the influence they have on him. It just blows my mind how crazy the world is. He explained how everyone around him including his family is on drugs and how he doesn't want to be around that anymore. So we're asking the young men in the ward to get involved and to put focus on him. Better influences ya know? He is such a great kid and i really want him to succeed and come in to the gospel. So as of right now he is preparing for April 29th. It's a little ways away but he will be out of town for a bit. Plus he said 29 is his favorite number. Ha ha. He is awesome.

A and T are doing so good. The ward loves them! They really are answers to so many prayers. They weren't able to make it to church on Sunday because they were in Cincinnati, but A called when they got home to "check up" on us ha ha. I love them so much. It was on that phone call that i told them for the first time that i was going home. Ahh it sucks ha ha. Today we are on exchanges with the Spanish Elders and we will be going over with brother Van Woerkom tonight for a lesson with them. They are just amazing people.

Yesterday we had a fun day with all of the missionaries in Columbus and President and Sister Nilsen. So fun! Games and food and basketball and ping-pong. It was great. I was able to see almost all the Elders from my MTC district and got to catch up a little. I mostly talked with Elder Morley. He is such a great guy and he has grown so much! Also Elder Culler was there and we were able to catch up as well. I love these missionaries. I'm blessed to serve around some of the greatest people ever.

On Thursday we will be having a visit from Elder Porter and his wife. We're all so excited! I have a feeling it will be awesome.

Well i best be going. I am doing well. I'm amazed how fast this has gone's so short. My mind is constantly filled with memories of the past 2 years and i find myself thanking my Heavenly Father more than ever for how great of an experience it has been. I love these people. I know that this work is true, and i know that God is in it. The Savior Jesus Christ lives and loves us. The Book of Mormon bring power into a person's life. I love the gospel and i am so grateful to have it my family.

Until next week! Have fun be safe! I love you all!

-Elder Chrys Robinson

Friday, March 8, 2013

Which "Apron" are you wearing...

     I have been wearing many "apron's" this week. What are you wearing right now? I am wearing my baking apron. It has all my brownie mess on it. But that makes it full of love. I am making and freezing brownies for the Elder homecoming right now. So I got thinking, how many different "apron's" did I wear this week. Well there was the Mom, wife, cleaner, organizer, chauffeur, friend, leader, daughter and just me. I think I got them all. As women we really do have to wear a lot of "apron's". Just like I think men have to wear a lot of "hat's". I love that our roles are so different, yet go together so beautifully. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing that's for sure! I know I couldn't do what I do without my partner for eternity Chet! So here's to our "apron's" and "hat's"!!! May you wear them together well!!

Dear family,

Goodness i love you all. I am glad to hear that you had another great week! And dad got the job!!! That was such a sweet call from Sister Nilsen. Thanks for that. That's good that James enjoyed youth conference, some of my greatest memories are from the conferences i was able to be a part of. I know what you mean mom by having your mind full of scriptures, isn't it great?

Well This past week was pretty good. FREEZING. But pretty good. We had a great district meeting, which i have come to find out was my last one :( depending on if President wants one for my last week. This week is zone meeting and next week Elder Bruce D. Porter of the Seventy is coming for a mission tour. Pretty stoked for that! 

We went on exchanges this last week with the ZLs Elder Bullock and Elder Durnall. So fun! I love exchanges. Elder Durnall and I biked probably close to 9 miles that day in the freezing cold and found 2 new investigators, K and her brother J. They are sweet! She was born in Utah and has lived everywhere. He was born in Cali and is out here to help K out until she can move out there with him. We had a solid lesson on the Restoration and invited them to be baptized if they knew the Book of Mormon was true and they said they would. On Sunday we made cinnamon rolls and brought them over to wake them up for church and they already had all the kids ready a hour and a half early! They really enjoyed church too, and the ward really welcomed them in. I love days like those, where you just work so hard to find new people, and then you do. The Lord blesses His missionaries!

A and T and doing so good. I love them so much. It is so fun seeing how much they have grown since we started teaching them. We had a lesson on Tuesday with them and challenged T to receive the Priesthood and he met with the Bishop on Wednesday and he interviewed him for it. He now has the Priesthood! And next week he will be passing the sacrament! We went over last night to congratulate them and to give A a blessing (she has had the flu) and i just can't put into words how much love is in the room when they are there. They have such a sweet spirit about them and they really are answers to so many people's prayers including mine. It will be so hard to leave them. That's probably the suckiest part about being a missionary, is you grow a love for the people and then you have to leave them. Ha ha. Every day I thank my Heavenly father for trusting me enough to let me teach them.

Well that's about it for this week. I love being here and being a part of my Heavenly Father's work. It is so fun, so hard, and so rewarding. I love the scriptures and the words of modern prophets. I love reading about Jesus Christ and learning from what He has taught us. I love prayer. I love the feelings of the Holy Ghost. The gospel is all true and i know it!

Have a great week! I love you all!

-Elder Chrys Robinson

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A week without media...

     I did it! I went one week with out media! I still need to get on fb and check it. Just a minute........Well hello it's been busy on fb!! That will take me a while to get through all those notices! For not being on there  sure was a lot of things happening! I have to say I did like not having tv, games, fb, or anything of media other than email. I chose my email for the Elder and YW. Then one night I so wanted to just watch tv. We put on church videos. I worked on my personal progress which was actually really great! I organized things that needed to be done before the Elder gets home. It really was a peaceful week. We are going to look at what media we want in our lives. It's time for a change. We actually felt more in tune with  the Elder and when he will come home since he has been media free for 2 years. On for a new challenge!!

Dear family,

Glad to hear that everything is good at home! No media for week huh? Piece of cake. ha ha. Sounds fun though! And i didn't know that Emily Barrington was going on a mission!! That is so awesome! Seems like everyone is serving these days!

Well this past week was so good. Probably the craziest ever! But SO good. It seemed to start out fine, we had a lesson set up for Tuesday night with A and T to finish up the lessons and prepare them for the baptism interview on Wednesday. As we were at dinner at one of the translator's house we got a call from them 30 minutes before the lesson telling us they had to cancel. Arlette found out 2 weeks ago that she was pregnant and she found out Tuesday morning that she had lost the baby. What a rough call that was. So the member we were with took us over to drop off some food and see if there was anything we could do. As we talked with Arlette, she said "It's ok. It is the Lord's will and we will move forward." She has so much faith. What an example she is to me. So we had to push back the interview until Friday and we moved the lesson to Wednesday and Thursday. It was stressful getting everything in and making sure that they were prepared, but it all worked out. With the Lord's help, they were baptized! It was such a sweet experience. The whole service was in french, and the spirit was strong! I just feel so grateful to have been there to teach them and help them make this covenant. The ward has done a great job in taking them in, and you can just feel how much love everyone has for them. Oh and just a side note- Brother J, the member that baptized and confirmed them, served his mission in France and was never able to baptize anyone in his 2 years. The Bishop got up in the baptismal service and said,"I received revelation that Brother J was supposed to baptize them. A and T are a blessing to him as a result of those 2 years of service." It was awesome. It was just too cool to be a part of.

Well to be honest, most of our week was centered around them and all the craziness, so that is my email! ha ha. It was just amazing. It's crazy how fast these 2 years are coming to a close, but man am i grateful i chose to be here. I love this place. I love being a missionary. It is hard, but it is the best. I love the Book of Mormon. I love my Savior and i know that He lives. I am look forward to the next few weeks and to a lifetime of service!

I love you all!

-Elder Chrys Robinson