Just so you know I am running out of time and I am not ready. I haven't done the Christmas blog. I haven't sent out any cards this year. The shopping is not finished. The baking is not done. Family and friends will be here soon. Birthdays will be happening. The days don't stop just because your not ready. The big phone call will be coming!!! Last one till he comes home people!! I need to take back my kitchen table from Chet and the clutter. I do this on a daily bases, but it has become a problem area. I need to decide what I'm going to bake first or just start. GAH!!! Ok I feel a little better. No I don't. I need to get off this blog and get my bake on!! I need some Grandkids to help!!! That's what I need!!! I hope you all are more prepared than I am! :]
Dear Family,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you both!!!!!! Party on!
Sounds like a pretty great week you all had! I laughed at the little one throwing up everywhere though ha ha. That sounds fun! :/ "waiting for the missionaries" - how cute!
Well this past week was a pretty eventful one. It went by at a very fast but slow pace, it was weird! But we had a lot happen. We found 3 new investigators and had a bunch of great lessons. We found Brett on Friday, we had found him tracting a few weeks back but had never been able to catch him home. But it was at the end of the night and we drove by and decided not to knock because the whole house was dark and figured everyone was sleeping, but as we drove away i felt a nagging at me that we had to go back which i blew off at first until it got worse about 20 minutes later. So we decided to just go give it a shot, even though we had to be in our apartment in like 5 minutes. So we showed up and knocked and he invited us right in and sat us down and we started talking about the restoration! And the spirit was for sure there. I felt it. Especially during the first vision! He agreed with everything we taught and agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! And we will hopefully be going back to teach his girlfriend as well. Woo! Gotta love the spirit :)
So it turns out that Matt and Tyler don't live in our area. Not even in our Mission. Just by like a street though, SO we counseled with our Bishop and President Nilsen and they left it up to us to say what to do, and then we met on Sunday and talked about it and we're going to be passing them off to the Connersville Ward. Bishop actually made the call, but the spirit confirmed the decision and it's be for the best! So we will be talking tonight with Matt and letting him know. It's sad, but we feel pretty ok with it all. I definitely know why all this happened, because now that we don't have anyone on date for December we're going to work even harder to get one! It going to take some faith, but we are committed. We're fasting praying and working for it. And tomorrow we're going to the temple! Oh man i haven't been there since Pickerington! I am SO excited. I want a baptism. Yup. It's going to happen.
Last night was pretty sweet, we went and had a lesson at the Boyds, which went pretty well! Sister Boyd is still real hesitant, but that's ok. It was still a great visit. After that we drove home to Batesville to finish the night and we dropped by a media referral named Joshua that we had dropped by like 5 times in the past couple days but he's never been home. But last night we finally caught him! He let us right in and his brother came down and we offered for him to sit in, and it turns out that he's more interested than his brother! Ha ha. Joshua is 15 and Atheist, Jacob his brother is i think around 17 and has been to a bunch of churches and knows a few members of our ward. They are sweet! As soon as we had finished talking about the Book of Mormon Jacob was like, "let's go grab us one of those books!" (for i had forgotten to grab one out of the car before we walked up). So we went outside and grabbed one then came back in and finished up and left with a prayer. It was a great lesson and the spirit was felt! We will be meeting again with them on Wednesday. The work is moving!!
April and Ashish both made it to church Sunday! They are so awesome. We helped them put up Christmas lights this last week which was so fun but so COLD! We haven't been able to meet with them for a while because things have been so crazy, but they want us over for dinner this week and get back on the lessons. Gosh we love them, they are such a great family.
Well i have to get going now, all out of time! I just want to say thank you all for the love that you have shown me and the support you give me. And thank you so much for all the Christmas cards and packages! They all mean so much to me and i am so grateful for them. Thank you! I know that this church is the true and living church on the earth today, and i know that because the spirit has spoken to me. I know that Jesus Christ lives, He is the Savior of the world! And that through him we can really hope for a better world, even a spot at the right hand of God (Ether 12). That is great knowledge to have- especially in the crazy tumbling world we live in. I am so grateful for the gospel that He has given me and this opportunity that i have to share it as a missionary.
Have a great week! Be safe! Christmas rocks!
-Elder Chrys Robinson